Table 2. Units, constants and conversion factors.
ångström (Å) 0.1 nanometre*
astronomical unit (AU or a.u.) 1.459 789 0x108 kilometres*
centimetre (cm) 0.3937 inches
electron volt (eV) 1.6022x10-19 joules
foot (ft) 30.48 centimetres*
inch (in) 2.54 centimetres*
kilogram (kg) 2.2046 pounds
kilometre (km) 0.6214 miles
light year (l.y.) 9.4605x1012 kilometres = 0.306 60 parsec
micron (m) 1 micrometre = 10-6 metres*
mile (mi) 1.6093 kilometres
nanometre (nm) 10-9 metres*
parsec (pc) 3.0857x1013 kilometres = 3.261 61 light years
radian 57°.295 78
speed of light (c) 299,792.458 kilometres per second
tonne (t) 1,000 kilograms*
* These conversion factors are exact; other values are approximations to the accuracy given